[89th "Disaster Prevention Cafe" *About Kusatsu City Foreigner Functional Volunteer Brigade]
The 89th Disaster Prevention Cafe, hosted by the Shiga Prefecture Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Bureau, will focus on the activities of Kusatsu City's foreign functional volunteer fire brigade, and will feature two directors from the Kusatsu International Friendship Association (KIFA).
The "Disaster Prevention Cafe" is an event where experts are invited as guests to explain crises that are of great concern to Okinawans, such as earthquakes and wind and flood damage, through conversation with a moderator (facilitator). The event can also be viewed on the Zoom web conferencing system.
Date and time: Friday, July 26, 2020 18:30-20:00
How to participate: Please send an email to the address below (preferably by the morning of the day before).
For inquiries, please contact the Shiga Prefectural Government, Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Bureau at 077-528-3438.